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Targeted Sensory Reinnervation

Targeted Muscle Reinnervation (TMR): Enhancing Prosthetic Control and Functional Outcomes for Amputees

TMR: A Comprehensive Overview

Targeted Muscle Reinnervation: Surgical Technique

TMR involves rerouting amputated peripheral nerves to nearby motor nerves. This surgical technique enables intuitive control of upper-limb prostheses.

Advanced Prosthetic Systems with TMR

TMR advances include targeted sensory reinnervation (TSR), implantable myoelectric systems (IMESs), and regenerative peripheral nerve interfaces (RPNIs). These advancements enhance the myoelectric signal to the prosthetic system.

Sensory Reinnervation for Phantom Limb Pain

Targeted sensory reinnervation reinnervates denervated anterior chest skin with ulnar and median nerves. This approach reduces phantom limb pain and provides sensory feedback to the amputee.

Clinical Applications of TMR and Sensory Reinnervation

Restoration of Optimal Motor Control

Sensory reinnervation and cross-reinnervation of muscle restore optimal motor control after limb loss or injury.

Sensory Feedback for Missing Limb

Target sensory reinnervation provides sensory feedback to the amputee, simulating sensations in the missing limb.

TMR and Sensory Reinnervation: Conclusion

TMR and sensory reinnervation are transformative techniques that improve prosthetic control, reduce phantom limb pain, and enhance functional outcomes for amputees.
